Gay GAA Star Does Tubridy...
The world's first ever gay Irishman, apart from all the other ones, Donal Og Cusack made a big noise and gleaned global exposure by coming-out recently. Why? We hear you cry... Erm, well he plays hurling for the GAA and comes from Cork. All other things aside, apparently Graham Norton wants the exclusivity as being the world's only gay Corkonian so this was bound to cause headlines...
Donal Og Cusack |
Not since our first openly black footballer and openly working class rugby star has the Irish media gone into such overdrive over a sports person's private revelation. We're just waiting for an openly straight female hockey player to come along now... And considering we have never heard of Cork hurler Donal Og Cusack before, we don't really care if he is gay, straight, or otherwise inclined. Like, what's all the fuss about? Isn't everyone gay now-a-days? Or is that just everyone that works at TV3?
Donal Og Cusack |
Oh yeah, we forgot, this is Catholic Ireland and we're still stuck in the 1930s. But fair play to Donal Og - his open gayness got him a book deal with 'Come What May' and even a go on the couch at the Late Late Show... Wait there. We're an openly straight celebrity gossip website - rare as that is - ye don't see Ryan Tubridy wanting to chat us up! Fecker.
Donal Og Cusack |
But kudos to brave Donal for coming out and all that... We're just a tad dismayed that in this day-and-age someone merely being openly gay makes front page news - sure that kind of thing has been going-on since the Greeks invented it - what's all the hullabaloo is about? As Oscar Wilde once said: "I may be laying in the gutter, but a book about my gayness, will get me among the stars".