Andrea Rocks Goth Chick Chic...
Newly nuptialed singer and actress Andrea Corr (or is it Andrea Desmond?) certainly aint letting married mar her fashion fowardness folks. Spotted out in London last night, looking hotter than we've seen her in many a year, the wee Dundalk lass was wearing black to the max contrasted with pale white face powder and those sexy smokey eyes. SO. Now sexy to be a Goth? Damn, fifteen years too late if you ask us...
Andrea Corr |
Who would have thought that Goth-Chic would one day be the fashion-forward way to be? But what with all the teen Vamp movies knocking about and the inevitable backlash against that dreaded tangoed blonde bimbo look, it was only a matter of time before the style pendulum swung completely back to black... About time too.
Andrea Corr |
We spotted Andrea Corr out at Ronnie Scott's 50th Birthday party in Soho last evening showcasing how the Gothic look should be carried off without looking completely like Dracula's bride... Time to pull those old Cure LPs and Doctor Martins out from the back of the cupboard wethinks.