TV Babes To Mount Kilimanjaro...
Phwoar. With a trio of Irish TV babeness in the form of Jenny Buckley, Kathryn Thomas and Sile Seoige heading up a humid mountain in Africa and all sleeping together in a flimsy tent all hot and sweaty an' all - expect this feature to be filled with filthy euphemisms and dirty double-entendres. Or not. Let's just see how it goes...
Jenny Buckley, Kathryn Thomas, Sile Seoige |
Last week saw the going away party for three of Ireland’s sexiest TV presenters in Lillies Bordello. The Buckley, The Thomas, and The Sile (The Seoige is of course reserved for her big sis Grainne) were doing their final bon voyageses before they all head up a rather big hill in Africa. Like, almost twice as big as the Hill of Howth.
Kathryn Thomas |
Yup. They are all Kilimanjaro summit bound in aid of the Crumlin's Children's Hospital. So before they set off for the 5,895 metre-high mountain in Tanzania (thank you Google) they had a last knees-up in Lillies last week. Mountains of booze there was.
Sile Seoige |
Among those all teary-eyed and waving white hankies at the gals included: Hayley Rock, Fiona Foyle Holland, Paul Byrne and wife Siobhan Stevens, Linda Thomas, Samina Zia, Gerri Maye, Laura Doheny, Helen O'Dwyer, and Valerie Roe...
Valerie Roe |
And there were more... Sarah McGovern, Ryan Sheridan, Artur Graczyk, fellow climber Ruth Scott, and about 30 more mad mountaineers...
Sarah McGovern |
All that's left to say is good luck girls, enjoy the experience and come back safe & sound... is broadcast live from The Hellfire Club, so we know how to handle the heights. Cloven hoofed feckers that we are.
Paul Byrne and wife Siobhan Stevens |
Ryan Sheridan, Artur Graczyk |
Hayley Rock |
Linda Thomas |
Samina Zia |
Gerri Maye |
Laura Doheny |
Ruth Scott |
Helen O'Dwyer |
Fiona Foyle Holland |
Jenny Buckley |