Barry’s Pho20graphy at B20wn T20mas...
With all the events we cover week-in-week-out we tend to miss-out on the ickle details like what these well attended jollies are actually about 'n' stuff. Take photographer Barry McCall's 'Pho20graphy' book launch party at Brown Thomas recently - we have no fricken idear why the celeb snapper spelt the word photography that way. Although, we are a tad on the slow side...
Victoria Smurfit, Alison Doody, Amy Huberman |
Top lens jockey Barry McCall has a big phat book for sale in Brown Thomas right now. And if you fork-out the 80 notes for his tome you will get to peruse pictures of the likes of Colin Farrell, Grainne Seoige, Jedward, Amy Huberman, Sharon Corr, Keith Duffy, Lorraine Keane, and many more... Think except in book form and not crap.
Joan Palmer, Claudine Palmer |
Aul Bazza had a number of signings for his wee bookywook all over the place last week with a few of the featured famous folk turning-up to sign those gloriously shiny printed leafs which feature their respective mugshots... Bless 'em.
Annette Rocca, Jane Given |
Annnnd there was also a bit of a fancy champers shindig book launch for Barry in Brown Thomas on Grafton Street last week with a whole big bunch of lovely favs present, all looking fab, may we add.
Karen Koster, John Mcguire |
Oh, before we forget. Barry McCall isn't bagging all the dosh from his phototastic coffee table accompaniment. Hell no. All monies raised go to the ISPCC, Irelands oldest children's charity. Good man Barry.
Glenda Gilson |
Those who attended the launch included: Claudine Palmer, Joan Palmer, Alison Doody, Victoria Smurfit, Amy Huberman, May Frisby, Caroline Downey, Morah Ryan, Denis Desmond, Caroline Downey, Virginia Macari, Lisa Cannon, Annette Rocca, Miriam O'Callaghan, Alannah McGurk, Lorraine Keane, Sonya Lennon, Sean Munsanje, Irma Mali, Vivienne Connolly, Lisa Fitzpatrick, and many more...
Miriam O'Callaghan, Alannah McGurk |
Right. So go to Brown Thomas and buy Barry's 'Pho20graphy' book folks, it's for a good cause. And if any of you know why he's spelt the word photography that way, well, you probably have a better attention span than us...
May Frisby, Caroline Downey, Morah Ryan |
Lorraine Keane |
Sonya Lennon |
Sean Munsanje |
Denis Desmond, Caroline Downey |
Irma Mali |
Virginia Macari |
Lisa Cannon |
Vivienne Connolly |
Lisa Fitzpatrick |
Amy Huberman |