Attack Of The 50 Foot Aoife...
A meteor smashed into Dublin City yesterday and out popped 50 foot model Aoife Cogan and did a photocall. Duh? Like, that's what 50 foot Aoife Cogans do after being trapped inside an earthbound interstellar object. We are of course joshing folks so stop yer duck-and-covering under the duvet, it was all part of a Jameson ad campaign. Phew...
Aoife Cogan, Rebecca Lawless |
Dublin got its first 3D street graffiti thingy where the artist uses clever perspectives to make it look like the ground has opened-up and we're all gonna fall in. But we don’t really fall-in, we stand on the edge pretending, and much hilarity ensues... Genius. Except this time, Jameson Irished-it-up and threw in a photocall model for good measure. Even. More. Genius.
Aoife Cogan |
Newly fringed Aoife Cogan was giving the foreground scale and dimension, making artist Joe Hills' creation look all real and three dimensional and stuff... Like, why weren't passers-by running screaming for the hills and ringing comet busters Bruce Willis & Ben Affleck?
Aoife Cogan & Joe Hills |
Miss Cogan emerging from the Jameson meteorite creator on South King Street was part of their new 'Easygoing' campaign. Coming to a two-dimensional medium near you soon.
Aoife Cogan |