Idris & The Buck Wireleys Birds...
Genius. We want journalism awards for the headline above. Pulizers 'n' stuff. Like, it took ALL of our collective brain cell to come up with that strip based on the fact that actor Idris Elba from The Wire was at Buck Whaleys last weekend...
Hayley Ryan, Idris Elba, Michele McGrath |
Idris Elba from The Wire (easily the best TV drama EVER made) hit Buck Whaleys last Bank Holiday Sunday for a wee bit of a celebrity personal appearance... What would Stringer say? Something cool and prolific.
Idris Elba |
Flanked by models and official Bucks babes Hayley Ryan & Michele McGrath, Idris looked made-up as he swaggered his way into the Leeson Street venue. Sure why wouldn't he be? Two of Dublin's toppest totties on each arm. Lucky fecker!
Hayley Ryan, Idris Elba, Michele McGrath |
But which Bucks beauty is hotter folks – Hot Hayley or Magnificent Michele? We just can't decide.
Hayley Ryan, Idris Elba, Michele McGrath |