Dublin Kisses The Hand of Gaga...
Over the past few days the city of Dublin kinda took an early trip to the Halloween party. Yup. We all got dressed-up for a rare visit from royalty. Pop royalty. Well, she's a Lady in anyways. And we even snapped her, well, a little bit of her in anyways...
Lady Gaga |
Photos of Lady Gaga not in her Gaga-gear are a bit like hen’s teeth folks. Rare. And there's a reason for that... She likes to keep the mystique going and every photo opportunity is a fashion statement opportunity. Wise woman working the machine.
Louis Walsh with Gaga Fan Amy McCabe |
Hence, we found it a tab bit difficult getting shots of her strolling to the local Spar shop for 20 Major and the Evening Herald of an evening. Nope. She was all holed-up in her hotel like Howard Hughes with a bad head cold. Ner a sign of her.
Louis Walsh with Gaga Fan Amy McCabe & Others |
But we did manage to pap-off a single frame of the Paparazzi singer as she left the O2 this week after her concert. She royally rolled-down her car window to kiss the humble hand of one of her adoring fans after she left the sell-out show.
Sophie Murphy, Hannah Crowley |
And hanging-out with all the car-azy Gaga-ites at the O2 was none other than Louis Walsh. Our Louis looked strangely at home surrounded by a load of babes dressed like Lady Gaga. Well, it probably felt like a slow night at X Factor for him... Where was Storm Lee?
Katie Reilly, Susan Small |
Guests we snapped at the O2 included: Amy McCabe, Katie Reilly, Susan Small, Susan Farrell, Sonia Hudson, Sophie Murphy, Hannah Crowley, Nicola Rush, Lindsey Rush, Jodie Carrington, Gillian Kinsella, Sheena Touhey, Jade Terry, and Becky Needvan...
Susan Farrell, Sonia Hudson |
So folks. What are you dressing-up as this Halloween?
Nicola Rush, Lindsey Rush |
Jodie Carrington |
Gillian Kinsella, Sheena Touhey |
Jade Terry, Becky Needvan |
Lady Gaga Fan Amy McCabe |