RyBhinn Are Back On Baby...
Better known to our readers as the thinking man's Wesanna, Ryan Tubridy & girlfriend Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain (we're officially calling them 'RyBhinn') chose the official launch of Tubs' new book 'JFK in Ireland' to officially show they are officially a couple once again. It’s official. Coincidence or publicity coup? We're officially staying on the fence...
Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain, Ryan Tubridy |
The cynics amongst you out there, and we hear there are a few, would say Ryan Tubridy strategically stepped-out with back-on girlfriend Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain for the first time since their apparent split-up to maximise the press coverage for his new JFK book. But no, our Tubbsie would never manipulate the naive Irish press in such a manner. Nay. Not our Ryan.
Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain, Ryan Tubridy |
But then again, like, were the famous duo even totally broke-up for real in the first place? We're kinda confused folks. First thing we knew about their break-up was hinted in the press with the cause being muted as Ryan spending all of his time on his bookywook and not on his relationship. Really? Next thing we know he's launching said book with the better half once again by his side. Hmmmmm, call in Mulder and Scully... Check out our next book: 'We're Not Bloody Buying It in Ireland Dot Com'. Ahem.
Aoibhinn Ni Shuilleabhain |
Anyways, the human beanpole himself was happy as Larry at the book launch this week in the The Mansion House - surrounded by his family members: Mammy Catherine, Granny Dot, and brother Garrett. Oh, and hot girlfriend Aoibhinn. Yup. Aoibhinn was deffffo there.
Lisa Cannon, Jenny Buckley, Sile Seoige |
So. Our Ryano has written a book called 'JFK in Ireland' and it's in the shops now. Only, we're hard-pushed to feign interest in this hard-backed publication folks, everything we need to know about the book in perfectly surmised in the succinct title... JFK. In. Ireland. Surely everything else is just filler?
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Ryan Tubridy & Billy Purcell (3) |
Other guests at the book launch included: Lisa Cannon, Jenny Buckley, Sile Seoige, Brian Purcell & son Billy, Jackie Lavin & Bill Cullen, Lisa Fitzpatrick, Joe Duffy, and many more...
Brian Purcell, Jackie Lavin, Bill Cullen |
Well done on the new book Ryan, we're looking forward to the next instalment of the '... in Ireland' series. May we suggest the following as prospective titles for more books: 'Stephen Ireland Not ...', 'Brian Cowen At Large ...', 'ShowBiz Ireland Editor Hung, Drawn, & Quartered ...'?
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Garrett Tubridy (Brother) |
JFK in Ireland is in all good bookstores in Ireland right now... Oh wait there, now we get it! John F Kennedy WAS actually in Ireland once. Awwww, it's a clever play on words. Jeepers. It takes us a while, but we get there eventually.
Lisa Fitzpatrick |
Ryan Tubridy & mother Catherine Tubridy |
Ryan Tubridy |