Our Amy In A Threesome?
When we read the headline we just wrote there we were in total shock! Like, how could someone put Amy Huberman and Threesome in the same sentence? She's a National fecking treasure for Bod sake! Still, turns out she was in a Threesome last night and snapped the whole bloody thing...
Amy Huberman |
We likes our wee Amy Huberman folks. We likes her, we likes her whole vibe-ness, you know, the whole Amy-ness thing she has going on. But what we like the most about Hubbers is she doesn't seem to take herself all that serious - a few other lovely ladies in the realm of Irish ShowBusiness could take a feather or two outta her cap. Three or four, in fact.
Stephen Wight, Amy Huberman, Emun Elliott |
Last night, proving she's got a funny bone and not afraid to show it, Amy premiered the first series of her new Comedy Central show 'Threesome' in the Sugar Club alongside her co-stars Stephen Wight & Emun Elliott...
Brian O'Driscoll |
And as title of the show would suggest, the sitcom has a wee bit of a naughty edge to it and will deffo show that Hubes aint all about making safe choices when it comes to her career. And let's face it folks, she could just sit back and take the easy route being Mr Brian O'Driscoll's plus-one... Another WAG she aint.
Hazel O'Sullivan |
Anyways. Threesome launched at The Sugar Club last night and among the guests were: Brian O'Driscoll, Hayley Rock, Katie Van Buren, Hazel O'Sullivan, and many more... And just for the record folks - threesomes never work out. Hopefully Amy's one does!
Hayley Rock |
Katie Van Buren |
Amy Huberman |