Christmas Book Season Is Here...
Apparently there are these non electronic things made of paper and filled with printed words combined in such an order that they actually become a complete story. Yup. They're called books and everyone and their sister has one coming out for the Christmas. Exciiiting...
Cecelia Ahern |
Last weekend saw the beginning of the annual Christmas book launch season. Yup. Cecelia Ahern, Rachel Allen, and even Joe Duffy were first out of the blocks to get their tomes on to the shelves before the big Yuletide rush begins.
Cecelia Ahern |
After the obligatory appearance on The Late Late Show for a wee bit of product placement, the next few Saturday afternoons will be pretty busy for our snappers as they struggle to dart between book store after book store to snap all the authors. We can't bloody wait.
Rachel Allen |
And speaking of busy Saturday afternoons, the one just gone had three signings in three different stores... Yup. Cecelia Ahern, Rachel Allen, and Joe Duffy had the punters lining up around the block to get their hands on their new wee bookywooks.
Joe Duffy |
Cecelia Ahern signed copies of her new book 'The Time of My Life' at Easons while Rachel Allen signed copies of her new book 'Easy Meals' at Hughes & Hughes, both at The Dundrum Town Centre. Meantime, Joe Duffy signed his 'Just Joe' autobiography at Easons, O'Connell Street. Phew. Got all that?
Cecelia Ahern |
So there you have it folks. Loadsa books for yer Crimbo stocking. Just in case you're wondering, we prefer smelly stuff under the tree... This book thing will never catch on.