Noel Celebrates Six In Dublin...
Shock! Horror! And other stuff. Yup folks. Manchester City stuffed Manchester United 6-1, at home yesterday. Nice. Such was the sheer joy amongst hardcore City fans that Noel Gallagher almost cracked a smile outside his Dublin hotel... We said almost...
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With his Man City scarf proudly wrapped around his neck former Oasis man Noel Gallagher emerged from his City Centre hotel yesterday after watching his team batter-the-bleeding-bollix outta their arch rivals Man Utd... 6-1... Ouch.
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Our Noel was on his way to his solo singer sound check over at The Olympia as he left hotel and mixed with fans. We were expecting him to come out with his top over his head with 'Up Yours Fergie!' daubed across his belly. Alas, a slight wee smile is all we got. Those Mancs eh?
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In other news, Noel Gallagher's solo debut 'High Flying Birds' has gone straight to number one in the UK... Yup. Still no smiles.
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