Madeline 'Maccer Dee' Mulqueen...
Not content with being one-half of 'Madest' and having her appendix out live on Twitter, yer wan Madeline Mulqueen cornered the newspapers again this week after apparently taking a left hook in Maccer Dees last weekend. We caught up with likely Limerick lass hanging around Smithfield yesterday, no doubt looking for The Horse (Outside) Fair...
Madeline Mulqueen |
Ever since our Madeline Mulqueen shipped-up to Dublin leaving The Rubberbandits in her wake, she's been busy being a model and doing bits 'n' bobs on The Republic of Telly... But lately she's been in the Red Top rags for everything from dating Calum Best to having her appendix burst out of her stomach like the alien in Alien. We are, of course, being dramatic.
Madeline Mulqueen |
Sadly, this lovely lady apparently got into a wee spat in MacDonalds last weekend after a night out on the town in the new Grafton Lounge... Yup. Punches thrown over Big Macs... Like, who hasn't been there? But we couldn't see any bruising or scarring when we copped her good self strolling in Smithfield last night... They don't call a decent shhhlap a 'Limerick Hello' for nothing.
Holly Carpenter |
And speaking of models strolling about the place we also spotted Holly Carpenter, Irma Mali, and Angelica Salomao hanging around Grafton Street yesterday... The weather may be all wintery but that doesn't keep the model-set indoors. No Siree Bob.
Irma Mali, Angelica Salomao |
So there you have it folks, lots of models and some good life advice... Big Macs are awesome at 3am on a Saturday night but not worth getting a dig up your bracket over... Whoppers on the other hand, now that's a different story.
Madeline Mulqueen |