Happy 21st Birthday Colly...
It seems like birthday gal Holly Carpenter has been around the social-scene for yonks, yet she's pretty much a nubie since winning Miss Universe Ireland in 2011. Last weekend she celebrated her 21st with hunky boyfriend Cian Healy on hand. They're calling them Colly. Apparently...
Holly Carpenter, Cian Healy |
You'd be forgiven for thinking model Holly Carpenter has been about these here hallowed pages for many years, when in fact, she's only been under the notice our lenses for a wee while. But then again, our Hol is the granddaughter of the legendary Terry Keane, so ShowBiz is surely in her blood.
Holly Carpenter |
Last weekend the former Miss Universe Ireland stunner stepped out with her family, pals, and rugger man for her big b-day bash at Findlater in Howth... You see? We do venture over to the Northside when the mood takes us. The odd time.
Holly Carpenter with Parents Karl & Jane Carpenter |
Guests at the paarshee included: parents Karl & Jane Carpenter, Justine Keane, Madeleine Keane, Gavin Norton, Joanne O'Donnell, Eamonn McGill, Niamh McKeever, William O'Connor, Emily McKeogh, Dillon St Paul, Jessica Langan, Jo Jordan, and many more...
Gavin Norton, Holly Carpenter, Joanne O'Donnell |
So there you have it folks, our very own wee Holly Carpenter is twenty one and all growed-up an' all... We only stuck around for the party arrivals coz, you know, her fella may not have been impressed if our smelly paps outstayed their welcome... He's a big bloke and our snap hounds are infamously cowardly... Happy Birthday!
Justine Keane, Madeleine Keane |
Eamonn McGill, Niamh McKeever, William O'Connor |
Emily McKeogh, Dillon St Paul |
Jessica Langan |
Jo Jordan |
Holly Carpenter |