Sutherland Powerless at Krystle...
Irish Olympic bronze medalist boxer Darren Sutherland was one of our brightest stars in Beijing this year. But even his luminous presence couldn't shine-a-light on VIP club Krystle on Saturday night when the power went out...
Darren Sutherland, Jodie Wood |
It was the first weekend back in Ireland for our Olympic champions and of course they were going to party... Silver medalist Kenneth Egan treated his family and friends to knees-up in his Clondalkin local 'Boomers' while Darren Sutherland went a bit more up-market and hit Krystle on Harcourt Street.
Darren Sutherland, Jodie Wood |
But Murphy's Law knows no heroes - as Darren entered the club just after midnight, the power went-out at the Harcourt Street venue leaving all the models, VIPs and revellers alike with no light or music at their favourite weekend haunt.
Stuart Moore, Tess O'Reilly |
Speedy Sutherland and his crew didn't stick around for long and were soon spotted partying the night away in the Lillies Bordello member's bar. Although we must hasten to add that the tea-total boxer didn't touch a drop and spent most of the night shaking hands and posing for photos with his new brigade of fans and well wishers.
Collette McBarron, Kerry Ingram, Christina McBarron |
Back at Krystle, many the die-hard party people hung outside for over an hour waiting for the lights to come back on, but at about 2am there was still no-ray-of-hope despite the presence of a late-night electrician... Oh well, in business these things happen.
Sarah McGovern |
Gremlins aside, we're assured Krystle is now back to full power and the blackout was just a momentary glitch in their flawless record. No doubt managers Conor Buckley and Brian O'Malley will be back serving Bellini's to the great and the good next weekend. Don't fret folks...
Jodie Wood |
Apart for our Darren, other people spotted at Krystle on Saturday night included Jodie Wood, Sarah McGovern, Collette McBarron, Kerry Ingram, Christina McBarron, Stuart Moore, Tess O'Reilly and many more...