Chris Rocks The Olympia...
US comedy legend and Hollywood movie star Chris Rock rolled into Dublin last week to perform at The Olympia. As one of the main attractions of the Bulmers International Comedy Festival, Chris had his fans in stitches and even managed to avoid the paparazzi...
Chris Rock |
We're kinda hoping the awful green suit Chris Rock wore during both of his two-in-a-row gigs at The Olympia was a mere fashion faupax, and not some bizarre Irish stereotype reference begorrah... What is it with Hollywood comics coming to Ireland lately and dressing-up like deranged leprechauns?
Chris Rock |
During his very short stay in Dublin the New Jack City actor (remember Pookie?) went to great lengths to ensure he didn't get papped by any wayward snappers. Even when he pulled-up to the side door of The Olympia theatre, his blacked out car parked only mere inches away from the discreet entrance while his burly minders blocked the assembled paparazzi...
Chris Rock |
Despite all the cloak-and-dagger photographer avoidance, once Chris Rock hit the stage and began his trademark pacing up-and-down - he delivered a classic comic performance that had them rolling in the aisles...
Chris Rock |
He began his musings with a Barack Obama battering, observing that despite being a black man living in America - he's never met a single African American with the surname "Obama" and the future US President was artificially created by Oprah Winfrey! Of course, he didn't deliver his lines in such politically correct terms. Ahem.
Chris Rock |
And us Irish didn't get off too lightly either. Chris was confused as to why all alcoholic drinks in Ireland come in pint glasses... Even Baileys!