Walliams & Mystery Lady in The Green...
Little Britain star David Walliams seems to have had little luck with the ladies during his extended stay in Dublin. Apart from holding hands with his dear old Mum, poor Dave's been a lone soldier of late. That was until yesterday when we spotted him in The Green with a hot brunette...
David Walliams |
At this stage of his stay in Dublin David Walliams must think our cracked squad of snappers are stalking him, as we've pictured him almost daily over the past few weeks. In truth, it’s just a simple case of collateral damage. When our lads are out on other picture assignments, it's like: "Oh there's Walliams again, we'd better snap him. It'd be rude not to." Sorry Dave.
David Walliams |
Yesterday we spotted the lanky English comedian strolling in St Stephen's Green and surrounding streets with an attractive mystery brunette. Although they were laughing and giggling, we didn't witness any hanky-panky or even hand-holding going on... Damn. We wanted to see some hanky-panky and hand-holding going on.
David Walliams |
For the past few weeks David Walliams has been in Dublin walking-the-boards in the Harold Pinter play 'No Man's Land' at The Gate Theatre and staying at a very posh city centre hotel.
David Walliams |
Annnnd, before Mr. Walliams takes out a barring order against us here at ShowBiz Ireland - we'd just like to assure him that we're not specifically following him around the city. But it's a tad bit hard to miss the English gent walking down Grafton Street everyday with his head held high and his brolly in his hand... Oh, what a kerfuffle!