Off The Rails BIG BAG Chic...
With fashion disasters Caroline Morahan and Pamela Flood neatly elbowed out-of-the-way, ‘Off The Rails’ comes back on RTE TV tonight with even camper capers now that Brendan Courtney & Sonya Lennon are at the helm. BUT what fantastic nuggets of fashion wisdom will they rain-down on the eager Irish viewer we cry? Well, from these pictures, we reckon BIG BAG Chic is gonna be one of their fashion tips. O dear...
Brendan Courtney, Sonya Lennon |
Our overworked snappers haven’t been able to move for sightings of Brendan Courtney and Sonya Lennon out filming the new season of Off The Rails around Dublin City Centre recently. From Temple Bar to Fallon & Byrne's Juice Bar, the dynamic duo seems to be on a mission making-over anything that moves.
Brendan Courtney |
Hopefully with Brendan and Sonya fronting Ireland's answer to Fashion TV we'll see a more serious and in-depth analysis of some of the fashion faux pas being committed by our Country's worst offenders (we’re sick of naming and shaming them). The last two hosts just told ALL our lovely ladies that they were abbbbsolutely faaaaabulous. Yawn.
Brendan Courtney |
Can we just say right now that if the makey-up stomach churning words "fashionista" or "glitterati" are used even ONCE on Off The Rails we're turning it off IMMEDIATELY. We get enough of that daily pretentious shite over on Xpose daaaarling. Grrrrrr.