The Doggfather Rolls In...
The Doggfather of hip hop Snoop Dogg and his gangsta posse invaded Dublin's RDS last night. Despite being hit with more fines and more bans in more countries than he cares to remember, Cordozar Calvin Broadus (real name) always gets a big Irish céad míle fáilte on these shores...
Snoop Dogg |
Where ever Snoop D-O-Double-G goes controversy tends to follow... Being a hardcore rap mogul you would think it would be gats, hoes and the chronic that'd be causing Dr Dre's best mate primo hassle? Not so folks...
Snoop Dogg |
For poor aul Snoop got into trouble in the legal drugs and hookers Capital of Europe on this trip across the Atlantic... Erm, for smoking a real cigarette during a concert performance in Amsterdam. Eh, okaaay?
Snoop Dogg |
Well, we're not too sure if Mr. Dogg flouted the Irish smoking ban during his RDS concert last night as us photographer / journalistic types only get access to 'the pit' for the first three songs - no flash photography... Rules. Rules. Rules.
Snoop Dogg |
Even if Snoop did spark-up during his set we're fairly sure he wouldn't get banned from our little flexible Country. Now, if he made another pass at Glenda Gilson that'd be a different feckin' story... The Nation would be up in arms. Hands off The Glenda!
Snoop Dogg |