Just Grin And Blair It Tony...
You see folks, people power still works. A mere 300 or so Iraqi War protestors outside Easons last Saturday gave Tony Blair a political black eye and eventually forced him to sensationally cancel his much hyped book tour... Come on! Now, if only we could get the same people passion directed towards those eejits in Leinster House who are hell-bent on steering this wee country closer to the precipice each day just to protect THAT failed bank and a knee-jerk political decision that will in due course bankrupt this Nation...
Tony Blair |
Poor aul Tony Blair got more than he bargained for when he jetted into Dub-a-lin town under crazy security last weekend to get grilled by Ryan Tubridy on The Late Late Show (let him finish a feckin sentence there Tubs 'n' Piles) and also launch his book 'A Journey' at Easons... "Have ye got blood on yer hands Tony?"
Ryan Tubridy |
Only, Mr. Blair's apparent assumption that his role in the Northern Irish Peace Process (like, how many now disgraced politicians are still dining-out on their 'roles' in the Peace Process?) would win him over with the Irish public and paper-over his completely illegal invasion of Iraq. War sucks balls.
Anti Blair Protestors at Easons |
Blair asserted on The Late Late Show that despite there being absolutely no weapons of mass destruction, the war in Iraq was totally justified as Saddam Hussein's army had apparently killed hundreds of thousands of their own people. Only, conservative estimates state that around 500,000 Iraqi civilians have been killed by British & US troops since the illegal invasion. Math Tony. Whether you get killed by Saddam Hussein or bosom-buddies Blair & Bush, you still get dead. There is no consolation in being killed by a US or British bullet as opposed to an Iraqi one.
Bertie Ahern |
Still, let's not get all political folks. It's not really our bag. But even in saying that, we're still very impressed, nay in awe, by the amount of global attention a few hundred protestors on O’Connell Street got last Saturday and the subsequent cancellation of Blair's book tour due to the furore. Fight the power and all that shiiite...
Louis Walsh |
Whilst in town, Tony Blair was holed-up in the Shelbourne Hotel on The Green where a cordon of steel and Gardas was erected to protect the former British Prime Minister... Our country maybe broke folks but we have no problem spending countless thousands closing down St Stephen's Green and O'Connell Street for some foreigner to jet-in to flog his book... Then manhandle and lock-up the people who protest against this madness... Will we ever learn?
Jedward aka John & Edward Grimes |
And speaking of The Shelbourne we spotted cheeky chappy and former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern leaving the top hotel after visiting Tony Blair on Friday night, then doing a legger with a free copy of his book. Good man Bertie, Irish politics is all about the freebies. Coz it certainly aint about building a fair and progressive society.
Imelda May & Seamus Begley |
Other guests at The Late Late Show included: Donncha O'Callaghan, Imelda May, Seamus Begley, Donal Lunny, Louis Walsh, Pat Shortt, Jedward, and a few more...
Donncha O'Callaghan |
Right. Now all that crazy nonsense is over - what have we learned folks? Getting out on the street and protesting against the wrongs of those in power, who wield said power for self interest and not for the greater good of the people, actually works. Rise up, Jah, Rastafari, etc...
Donal Lunny |
Pat Shortt |
Gerry Lundberg, Sinead O'Doherty |
Imelda May |