Rozanna Turns 20 at The Bordello...
Rozanna Purcell's currently the country's total favourite Rozanna and the media's darling of the month after her success in Miss Universe. And all this before her 20th birthday. Well folks, Rozza turned twenty at the weekend with a big bash with her best buds in Lillies Bordello...
Rozanna Purcell |
If you believe everything they say in The Evening Herald, it would seem that Irish model Rozanna Purcell has the world at her feet with massive insider suggestions of a big career awaiting the beauty queen over State-side.
Gillian Binchy, Lauren Taylor, Ciara Flynn, Nicola Hughes, Rozanna Purcell, Kelly Cahill, Martha Brazil |
Apparently Mr. Donald Trump took a wee shine to the Tipperary lass at the recent Miss Universe contest and has opened the doors for a mega modelling career across the water in the US of A... She's playing her Trump card folks.
Hayley Rock, Rozanna Purcell |
Yup. So our Roz is off to the Big Apple folks only a hot minute after arriving back from Las Vegas. But before she jets-off to those rather bright lights she stopped off at Lillies Bordello last weekend to celebrate her 20th birthday with friends and family.
Nicola Hughes |
Guests at Rozanna's birthday bash included her mom Rebecca & sister Rachel, fellow Assets model Nicola Hughes, and chums: Gillian Binchy, Lauren Taylor, Ciara Flynn, Kelly Cahill, Martha Brazil, and a few more...
Rozanna Purcell's mother Rebecca & sister Rachel |
Meanwhile, just across town, former Big Brother babe Noirin Kelly was partying away at Krystle Nightclub with fellow stunna Kelly Anne Judd...
Kelly Anne Judd, Noirin Kelly |
Other guests at Krystle last Saturday night included Andy Quirke & girlfriend Nicola Baron, Fiona Collins & Debbie Lawless, Louise MacIntyre & Gill McCann, Paddy McElroy & Julie Cosgrave, Ciara Hughes, Ciaran Whelan & wife Fiona Whelan, Louschia Harding, Nikki Baume, and many more...
Andy Quirke & Nicola Baron |
While we're at it – other guests at Lillies Bordello included: Cherry Woods, Imran Zaman, Brendan Murray & wife Gina Murray, Hayley Rock, Erica Dillon, Ashley Moore, Alex Fagan, Xina Fagan, and quite a few more...
Fiona Collins, Debbie Lawless |
Happy 20th Rozanna P from, we hope this year holds great things for you... Who knows? This time next year you could be the next Mrs. Trump!
Louise MacIntyre, Gill McCann |
Paddy McElroy, Julie Cosgrave |
Ciara Hughes |
Louschia Harding, Nikki Baume |
Cherry Woods, Imran Zaman |
Brendan Murray & wife Gina Murray |
Rozanna Purcell |