The Bolger Babe Is Back...
We've been keeping an aul eye on wee Sarah Bolger ever since 'In America all' those years back. We thought with the sensational Saoirse Ronan around stealing her thunder she'd fade away into the background, but not so. She's back with 'The Moth Diaries' movie and also celebrating the 21,000th camper at Barretstown...
Sarah Bolger |
Right now kinda reminds us of back in the day when we had Colin Farrell, Cillian Murphy, and Jonathan Rhys Meyers all hitting Hollywood at the same time. We moaned and moaned about the lack of a quality Irish actress out in LaLa Land doing the business. Now folks, we have two. Saoirse Ronan and Sarah Bolger... Both doing the business, and then some.
Ray Shah, Emma Bolger, Niall Farrell, Aoife O'Brien, Emma O'Driscoll, Sarah Bolger |
Yesterday we caught up with our wee Sarah at the Mansion house as she posed-up with Ray Shah, her sister Emma Bolger, Niall Farrell, Aoife O'Brien, and Emma O'Driscoll... The Dublin Lord Mayor Andrew Montague and Minister Frances Fitzgerald were also at the photocall...
Emma Bolger |
The occasion was to mark the 21,000th camper at Barretstown and to launch the 'Like' Barretstown Facebook campaign... All that means you gotta get over to Facebook and hit 'Like' on the Barretstown page... Apparently Dominos Pizza will donate money everytime someone does - so do it. Now.
Sarah Bolger |
Back to our Sarah... She has The Moth Diaries hitting cinemas soon and at least another four big movies in the pipeline. Not bad, not bad at all... And she’s still only 20. Still, we'd like to see her wee sister Emma back on the big screen too. Afterall, it was herself who got Sarah the In America nixer back in 2002... Lil sis knows best.
Sarah Bolger |