The Ginger Bloke Has World's Best Job...
It's official folks. The Ginger Bloke behind the scenes on Fade Street has the best bloody job in the world! Yup. You can keep your Irish President living in the Aras nixer. This lucky fecker gets to stick his hands up the jumpers of hot girls all day long, as a job requirement, AND gets paid for it! Musta got at least 7 A+ grades in his Leaving...
Louise Johnston & The Ginger Bloke |
Stop what you are doing right now. Why? Because whatever it is, it most certainly isn't better than what the The Ginger Bloke working on Fade Street is doing... For the second time in a week we've only gone and snapped him with his hands up Louise Johnston's jumper, attaching her radio mic... And boy doesn't she look happy about it? We hear he has magic hands... Magic. Magic. Hands.
Emily McKeogh & The Ginger Bloke |
Not only that. Crystals & Co. babe Emily McKeogh has joined the Fade Street cast now that Vogue has transformed herself into a Sheila. And her introduction to the coveted role? Yup. The Ginger Bloke fiddling around inside her top... He's our feckin' hero folks! We hear people come up to him in bars and just buy him pints just to say they drank with The Ginger Bloke. Total. Ledge.
Emily McKeogh, Louise Johnston |
And the thing is, we don't even know his name... Or perhaps he doesn't want us to know his name like Batman or Spiderman or Vincent Browne? We only know him as The Ginger Bloke, and according to Louise Johnston, he has cold hands... A real life actual superhero with superpowers? You decide.
Emily McKeogh, Louise Johnston, Cici Cavanagh |
Apart from being completely and utterly envious of The Ginger Bloke, we snapped the Fade Street crew again this week as they wrapped up shooting the difficult 2nd series. In this set of shots they were hanging out at Sam Sara. Being all cool.
Dani Robinson |
As we said, regular Emily McKeogh has now joined the cast with Fade Street stalwarts Johnston, Cici Cavanagh, and Dani Robinson... And we can tell all you guys that our Emily is a top girl and a worthy addition to the show.
Louise Johnston |
So there you have it folks. Despite the recession and all the doom and gloom there is a fella living and working in Ireland with a dream job. And if it were up for grabs there'd be more than Martin McGuinness, David Norris, and Dana looking for it. We'd be there with bells on. Phwoarrr.
Emily McKeogh |