The Sun The Seoige & More...
Okay. So the Universe waited until the end of September to bestow the hottest day of the year on wee Ireland. This, above anything else, proves there is a God and he loves messin' with the Irish. Swine. Another positive is the sun brought a few of our fav gals out onto the streets to mix with the common people...
Grainne Seoige |
There is nothing in this world more schizophrenic than the Irish weather folks. Like, why can't we just have the right weather in the actual season it normally belongs? Nah, we get winter in summer, summer in autumn, and all that malarkey. It's no wonder we're all alcoholics. Every man Jack of us.
Glenda Gilson & Sonja Mohlich |
But hey, we're not complaining this week coz we actually got some serious rays... Cometh the sun, cometh the girls. Yesterday we spotted the likes of Grainne Seoige, The Glenda, Charlene McKenna, and Lisa Fitzpatrick out and about in the city centre mixing with you average Joes and Josephines.
Glenda Gilson & Sonja Mohlich |
Our Glenda was out on the steps of Powerscourt interviewing Sonja Mohlich for TV3's Xpose. Lisa Fitzpatrick was shooting 'SOS' for TV3 on Grafton Street. And Charlene McKenna was filming RAW for RTE on Camden Street... Grainne Seoige was just walking around looking fab without a camera crew.
Charlene McKenna |
So there you have it folks. If you're going out today be sure to pack your sunscreen. And a Duffle Coat... Snow shoes, Speedos, Ray Bans, and thermal socks... Coz in Ireland you never know... Still. Could be worse... Least we're not Australia... Yeah. We said it.
Lisa Fitzpatrick |