A Rare Morahan Sighting...
In recent years folks, sightings of TV presenter now budding actress Caroline Morahan have become rarer and rarer. In fact, so much so, we’re thinking the Discovery Channel should produce a show called Finding Caroline. She's almost as mythical as Bigfoot or Nessy...
Caroline Morahan |
We love the talented Cazza Morahan around these here parts, sure she used to be a ShowBiz.ie stalwart back in the day. That was until she got all grown-up and moved over to that LA seeking fame and fortune... Brave gal. Saying that, if she had of stuck around Dublin she cudda been presenting Winning Streak with the Marty Whelan by now... Ah Mary, spin the Big Wheel.
Caroline Morahan |
Anyhoo, we spotted the queen of Littlewoods strolling down South William Street last weekend with a big teethy grin on her lovely chops as she chatted away on her mobile... Probably to her Hollywood agent, we hear Titanic II is in the works... Hold out Carrie, hold out!
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