Huzzah! Models Atop Grafton St... faithful, huddle tightly around your computer monitors and dare ye not to even whisper for a momentous 2nd coming has befallen Ireland. 'Twas prophesised on these here hallowed pages – photocall girls have returned to the top o' Grafton Street in bikinis and even waving random props around. Hear ye hear ye, the new golden dawn is nigh...
Faye Rooney & Rachel Wallace |
The spiritual home of Irish modelling has been a desolate place these past few years... For there was once a time when two, nay, three photocalls would take place on those sacred few square feet between Grafton Street and St Stephens Green. These days limbo dancers, street performers, and darn buskers blaspheme on the very spot that created all the greats such as Gilson, Vogue, French, Davison, and Salpa. Sacrilege.
Faye Rooney & Rachel Wallace |
Anyhoo, yesterday new life was breathed back into the Photocallette's metaphorical Mount Calvary. That's right folks, Faye Rooney & Rachel Wallace stripped down to their sparkly bras and knickers, threw away all sense of shame, and held up some mock banners... HUZZAH!! Girls, we salute you. Girls, we love you. Girls, we are your biatches... Forever.
Faye Rooney & Rachel Wallace |
The photocall atop of Grafton Street (totally love saying that) was to promote The Wright Venue's Customer Appreciation Night in association with FM104 coming this Friday (7th of September) with special guests including Ryan Sheridan, Frank Jezz & Al Gibbs...Respect.
Faye Rooney & Rachel Wallace |
So there you have it folks, rejoice for the photocall gal is alive again and well and truly back on the sacred patch of justice. But don't let it stop there Irish PR peeps... We want more shameless girls in bikinis holding props atop Grafton Street... It's what made Ireland great once, and it shall make us great again.