A Mischa Marriage Manoeuvre?
Our very own Hollywood actress via Roscommon and few other far flung places, Mischa Barton, is holed-up in The Gaiety at the moment starring in 'Steel Magnolias'. We spotted The OC babe hitting Harrys Bar last night rocking a massive rock on her engagement finger...
Mischa Barton |
Sometimes it pays to hang around Stage Doors long after all the hullaballoo has died down folks. Last night we attended the official opening night of Steel Magnolias at The Gaiety with the great and the good in attendance... But we didn't head for bed once the red carpets were rolled-up for the evening. Nope. Out 'til the death.
Mischa Barton |
After the curtain came down Mischa Barton emerged from the famous Dublin theatre and made a beeline to the afterparty at the nearby Harrys Bar... But it wasn't until we lashed off a few frames and got down to editing did we notice a very large diamond ring on her engagement finger... A big blingy rock.
Mischa Barton |
Anyroad, our Mischa shots have since made a bit of a stir in the UK, USA and all over the Twittersphere as media types & punters about the globe speculated the Irish American stunner had got secretly engaged to new boyfriend Sebastian Knapp... Well, maybe or maybe not, but either way job done... Always good to add a bit of extra spice to a ShowBiz.ie pap' curry sauce.
Mischa Barton |