Farming For A Love Doctor...
Those canny folk at Straywave are at it again, knocking out new TV shows. This time out they're over at RTE launching 'The Love Clinic' as part of the Format Farm pilot series. The new Grafton Lounge got all loved-up last night for the communal love-in...
Nadia Forde |
They've come a long ways since those heady Fade Street days but with ratings big hitters Celebrity Salon & Dublin Housewives now under their belts, Stephen McCormack and John Norton are hard at it knocking out new TV shows with a new swagger in their step. There's no doubt, they're getting better at this Reality TV malarkey.
Michaela Fitzpatrick, Angela Scanlon |
Last night saw the Straywave boys launch their latest offering The Love Clinic which comes on the box on RTE2 this Thursday 27th (today!) at 9.30pm... It's all part of the five RTE Format Farm pilots: The Takeover; The Hit; Six in the City; Baptism of Hire; and The Love Clinic... Our idea for a format – The Properly Produced & Presented Late Late Show – got shot down... Swines!
Stephen McCormack, John Norton |
Apparently this new show takes a few hopeless singletons (not us!) and with the advice of a team of credible experts in the areas of psychology, health and fashion, offers a body and mind makeover with a view to helping them find love... Hey, we thought that was what Celebrity Salon was all about with Gradia and Calpa and stuff?
Virginia Macari |
Guests at the new Grafton Lounge launch last night included: Michaela Fitzpatrick, Angela Scanlon, Nadia Forde, Jo Jordan, Catriona McGinley, Pamela Ryan, Ceira Lambert, Amir Rehman, Nikki Sheridan, and a few more...
Jo Jordan |
So there you have it folks, if you can't find your soul mate just tune into The Love Clinic and all your dreams will most certainly come true... And if they don't be sure to pen a strongly worded letter to Johnny Norton & Stephen McCormack. We're already started ours just in case... Dear Straywave...
Catriona McGinley |
Pamela Ryan |
Ceira Lambert, Amir Rehman |
Nikki Sheridan |
Michaela Fitzpatrick, Stephen McCormack, Angela Scanlon |