It's Madest V Jonnolly...
Ireland's two latest and greatest couplings, namely Madeline Mulqueen & Calum Best and Vivienne Connolly & John Norton, were out strutting on the streets of Dublin last weekend vying for top power-pair. We're taking bets on who'll last the longest, the bookies are calling this one Madest V Jonnolly...
Madeline Mulqueen & Calum Best |
There musta been something in the air last Friday afternoon as the celebrity love birds were everywhere we turned. Now, we know Madeline Mulqueen & Calum Best are sticking to the 'just good fwwwiends' line but we're not swallowing that folks. We never buy that stuff whether it be true or not... It's the ShowBiz way.
Vivienne Connolly & John Norton |
But not too far away from Madest on Grafton Street we spotted the real-deal in the form Vivienne Connolly & John Norton... The brand new lovers are inseparable of late and always seem to give off that get-a-fricken-room vibe. Young(ish) love, eh?
Madeline Mulqueen |
So there you have it folks, we're backing Jonnolly for the long haul because, let's face it, our Calum don't have the best track record. In fairness... In other news, we also spotted hunky former Blizzards frontman knocking about town with a few fresh paper stitches in his head. Seems like handsome Niall Breslin is still only dating Bressie these days... Now, that one really is true love folks. Ahem.
Niall Breslin aka Bressie |