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& Ali fight to close Sellafield...
ShowBizIreland.com spent the day with Samantha
Mumba and Bono's wife Ali Hewson
as they visited Sam's old school.

and Ali
pair where in Mumba's old school Corpus Christi
in Dublin to launch the Shut Sellafield Campaign
for Schools.

who is currently starring in the world wide hit movie
The Time Machine, spoke to us about her work
with the Sellafield campaign and what she has been
up to...
do you feel about closing the Sellafield Nuclear plant?
"The sooner you can get this place shut down the better
and if these kids can get their parents to tell the
UK government this great."
does it feel to be back in your old school?
"I was in Primary school here and it's so weird as
it feels as if I have never left. The school is the
same and the teachers are the same. They were so nice
to me then, and they are again today."
What have you been you been up recently?
"I have been back for a week and I'm off to London,
Norway then Sweden at the weekend. Then back here
for a while then off to America again. I am currently
finishing the album."
you had any more movie offers?
"Two weeks ago I was over in LA for talks on
some more film projects. I was meeting with directors,
producers and casting agents. Unfortunately, there
is nothing I can talk about but fingers crossed it
will be all good news."
Are you nervous about The Time Machine opening
over here?
just dying for the film to come out now in Ireland.
We filmed it over a year ago and I just want to see
it in my home country. It's out in America, France,
Germany everywhere but Ireland. I think we must be
the last to see it. Its' still doing great in the
box office in the states. It went in at number one
and I think it may still be in the top ten."
do you react to negative movie reviews?
movie critic is just one person and for every thirty
bad ones there were thirty good ones. It something
I don't pay much attention to be honest. It's also
very funny to read some of the bad ones. The public
are going and that is a good sign."
help the Campaign go to this Web Site: www.shutsellafield.com
exclusive pics below: