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Entertains the troops...
Farrell is to take on the war on terror with
the help of Bruce Willis this week when their
new film Hart's War gets a special screening
in Afghanistan.
The movie shows Colin as a former law student who
gets captured during World War 2 and is then asked
to defend a black prisoner falsely accused of murder.
film is set for release in Hollywood on February 15th
and is the first of four huge movies Colin has made
in the last year. All
are to be released in 2002.

and Willis recently
Hart's War was flown out to the war torn region this
week to be shown alongside a special message by Willis
for the US troops.
A close friend of Colin in Dublin said, " Colin plays
a pretty heroic character, so it is a movie that is
bound to go down well with the military. The idea
of sending the movie to the US forces in a war zone
must give them a lift and Colin was delighted when
he was told the troops were to be the first to see
the movie."