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cancels Honeymoon...
Irish actor Pierce
Brosnan has been forced to cancel his honeymoon
with his new wife Keely Shaye Smith. In an
exclusive interview with ShowBizIreland.com the star's
publicist Dick Guttman confirmed that the couple
have been forced to cancel their planed honeymoon
due to media leaks.

car arrives covered with White sheets
“Pierce and Keely had planed a two week break in Italy.
They were going to take a cruise around Sicily. It
was all going to be very romantic. But the story got
out into the media. So, they have canceled that now.
I think they are going to go somewhere else which
they will decide on at the last minute.”
Guttman who also handles publicity for Hollywood stars
such as Gene Hackman, Jane Seymour and James
Woods also confirmed that reports of Jack Nicholson
and Bob Dylan being on the guest list were
totally untrue.

Harris ex-wife of Richard Harris
“This is very much a family wedding for Pierce and
Keely. Jack and Bob are not here. Rod Stiger
the actor is here as he is a very long time and close
friend of Pierce as is the director John Boorman
who is also a guest. It’s just a special day for their

arrived ahead of his bride to be who was 20 minutes
late for the ceremony. The couple both flew in from
Ashford Castle (where the reception was to be held)
by helicopter and later by chauffeur driver limousines
with blackened windows.
couple have sold the rights of the wedding to Hello
magazine for a reported six-figure sum.
magazine hired over 50 security guards for the day
to stop the paparazzi getting a shot of the couple.
Security was so extreme that when the couple got out
of their car at the Abbey doors their car and the
couple were covered in a white sheet to stop anyone
seeing them in their wedding outfits.
after 5.30 the couple emerged from the Abbey again
being covered in a white sheet and headed the 20 miles
to Ashford Castle where The Chieftains played
at the reception until the early hours.