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may play secret Dublin gig...
the lead singer with Irish supergroup U2 has
spoken about the bands thoughts on playing an intimate
and secret Dublin concert before heading off on the
world tour which starts in Miami in March. The U2
front man turned up at 11pm on Thursday night for
the launch of the Beckett on film series in
Dublin and told ShowBizIreland.com photographer
exclusively that he was thinking about doing a secret
gig in Dublin.

at the Dublin Beckett launch
"Let's just say we're considering it," Bono said.
The news comes only days before the band go back to
their roots on Wednesday for a small concert in London's
Astoria theatre in Charring Cross for 1,000
lucky fans.
show will be the first time the band have playing
a live gig for years and is the hottest ticket it
at the Dublin Beckett launch
such as George Michael and Bob Geldof
are expected to attend the gig as well as a host of
other well know stars. If the Dublin gig goes ahead
is will most likely be in the city's Vicar Street
which is owned by Harry Crosbie, Bono and
The Edge's business partner in The U2 hotel
The Clarence on Dublin's southside.
is also the place the band went to see Bob Dylan
play for 600 lucky fans last year.