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& Bob to Bang Dustbins...
Two of the World's top humanitarian rock stars Bono
and Bob Geldof are getting ready again to make
some real noise to make the world sit up and notice
famine in Africa.

at The Development Report 2003
has already made a statement of his intent this week
at the launch of the Human Development Report 2003
by saying:
people I represent - the activists from my community
- will take a very, very different tack in the next
few years if these trends are to continue in Africa.
This issue is the defining issue of our time and some
of us are ready to really work on it. If necessary,
we will make a much more aggressive campaign."
continued, "We are about to get very noisy, we
are about to bang a lot of dustbin lids."
now the founder of Band Aid and Live Aid
Dubliner Bob Geldof is about to join Bono's "Noisy
told the media after returning from famine and AIDs
ravished Africa: "This could be Blair's
moment. Not another predictable 'word defining' beanfeast
where a few cheques are issued to everyone's favourite
cause du jour."
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